I thought I saw him.
But I didn't.
Why me?
Shf. Redfield: Afternoon.
Dep. Ebina: Quick, eh?
Shf. Redfield: We wouldn't be long.Shf. Redfield: Alright. Franklin-Shf. Redfield: Alright, Frank. We just brought you in for a few questions related to a recent case. Is that alright with you?
Dep. Ebina: Please take this seriously!
Shf. Redfield: I'll handle it, Jack.Shf. Redfield: Let's just continue, Son.
Shf. Redfield: My first question, do you know Mayor Ethan Evermore personally?
Franklin: Hey. Let's just make this quick.
Franklin: Yeah, I have some things I need done today. I would rather not run late.
Franklin: Thank you.
Franklin: Frank.
Franklin: What is it this time? Tickets? Kidnapping? Drugs? Speeding? Being too hot?
Franklin: Pft. Take this seriously? With cops? Ha!
Franklin: [Chuckling]
Franklin: Whatever gets me back to my van sooner.
[There was a long pause in the recording]
Shf. Redfield: We were told that you are romantically involved with him. Is this true?
Shf. Redfield: Is this true?
Shf. Redfield: Frank, this is important to a case. Please.
Dep. Ebina: A man is dead and you are glad he is!?
Shf. Redfield: Both of you please calm down!
Dep. Ebina: Sounds like you have a motivation!
Dep. Ebina: I think you murdered him and are hiding the evidence that would get you locked up!
Shf. Redfield: Jack, stop!
Dep. Ebina: You are hiding something and you know it!
Dep. Ebina: Spit it out!Shf. Redfield: Jack, no!
Franklin: Yeah. Yeah, I do.
Franklin: Let's move on, please-
Franklin: I said, move on.
Franklin: I don't give two shits that that man is dead! He had it coming! I don't want to speak of him! In fact, I hope you two never found his murderer because that guy is a fucking hero!
Franklin: Woah, great work detective! As if that wasn't fucking obvious!
Franklin: I have the right to say nothing about my experience with that sick fuck and I choose to use that right!
Franklin: What are you implying!?
Franklin: Of course the fucking pig decides to point fingers in every wrong direction!Franklin: Just because I despise that man doesn't mean I would kill him!
Franklin: Ask me one more time! I'm not afraid to punch a cop!
Franklin: That's it!
[Sounds of struggle as John yelled something to break up the fight, words could not be made out. A taser gun was shot by Jack]
Shf. Redfield: Jack!
Dep. Ebina: ¡No te irás hasta que te lo digamos!
Shf. Redfield: That's enough! Frank, you may go.
Shf. Redfield: I said he can go.
[Recording ends]
Mx'w e kssh xlmrk li'w hieh

He loved you. But he hurt you

But love makes it worth it, right? Doesn't matter that he did that, right?

But he loved you? Doesn't that make up for it all?



Dear Diary, I had to get a new book to write in... After the incident of me being possessed, I've pretty much lost a lot of my possessions, even the cookbook I was going to give to Kevin. I know it wasn't my fault but I feel so bad do the families and people. I don't even remember any of it! 20 years of my memory just, poof! Just like that! Goodness, that would mean Kevin is 25 or so years old! I remember the last time I saw him, just a few days after his 5th birthday. He was so happy to be hanging out with his friends! I don't know how Rick, Streber, Kevin, and Radford are doing right now. I'm just writing in a random notebook Patty gave me while sitting in this hospital waiting room. All this was dumped on me at once! Right after waking up to my own autopsy! It's wild! Nice to see John and Jack though, I remember seeing John's first day as a cop, just a young man. He looks so gruffy now... Doesn't seem too happy to see me either. I'm just writing down anything that comes to mind at this point, it's something to do. But isn't writing really just writing down anything that comes to mind? Man, I'm bored. Bored and depressed. What a combo to have!
Ghosts of Madness haunt me.
In the shadows do they lurk?
My loved one is missed
I see no trace.
Only his spirit lingers in this place.
Memories of them persist.
But they died in sorrow.
Will they forgive me?
Love is like a feast to me.
My appetite does not stop.
The body, the soul, the mind,
I feast on them lovingly.
A body with no soul is like the bones.
A soul without a body lacks life.
A mind without a body can only ponder.
My love feeds on all of these.
For you are all of them to me.
I'm starving.